To keep the heart unwrinkled, to be hopeful, kindly, cheerful, reverent — that is to triumph over old age.

- Thomas Bailey Aldrich

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

206 Days

Its been 206 days since I last wrote on my blog....
Well in 206 days I switched from service clerk to cashier.
I turned 16 & got my L. I went to Olympia & saw S for her birthday & also to go shopping.
I stopped liking R & started to like C & C. Who both are from work.
Also read many books including Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse & Breaking Dawn. Watched many good movies.
Hung out with Leah Tanner.
I went to my lovely sister's wedding gained a brother & niece.
Got my lip pierced......which didn't hurt at all.
Had three Christmas Dinner's.
Got a wonderful raise : D
And asked out C.

There was alot more than that but its early in the morning and I can't think..


Anonymous said...




Jesse said...


hey!! how are you???

LeahA said...


Jesse said...

aww??...umm nvm