To keep the heart unwrinkled, to be hopeful, kindly, cheerful, reverent — that is to triumph over old age.

- Thomas Bailey Aldrich

Thursday, February 7, 2008

sleeping almost the whole day continued

so where was i ? ahh... mo i remeber haha. i was doing my spanish homework and thats when R had to come by haha its not bad but my train of thoughts just stopped. eek not good. well anyways i started to do things wrong but luckly i was using a pencil. so quit doing it and there was nothing really to do because i was way early even for me. but there were other people there too but no the ones i usually talk with or just hang out with. but anyways i was so hungry cause i hardly ate that day. and they were eating around me too wahh haha. well more people were showing up but they weren't the person i wanted to talk to either but thats okayy. finally the person i wanted to talk to was B. anyways we were talking and she said how it was hard for you like someone and how it hurts so much and i totally agree with her. well as it goes on we go up to the benches or whatever you want to call them, and they do annocements and we head to the gym to play a game and believe me those games for my or pretty fun. and i got knocked over by some guy. and my partner who i was with got out by N. haha. and we went back downstairs after like two rounds of the game. and we started to sing and we and B where still talking about that. anyways i might just hang out with R. I also told my friends that i like this guy named N. Anyways thats just it no more about that day its overr now.

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